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Design token manager: an overview

Design token manager: an overview

The design token manager is a top-level area within zeroheight to store, manage and export your organization’s design tokens.

This allows you to:


What are design tokens?

Design tokens are foundational design decisions representing a design system’s visual language. Tokens can represent colors, typography, effects, spacing, and animation. Tokens store values like colors, font styles, and font sizes, allowing the visual language to be applied across all products.They streamline designer and developer workflows, enabling the design system to scale. Tokens are platform agnostic but can be applied with platform-specific code for ultimate flexibility.

What tokens format does zeroheight support?

For importing and storing tokens, we use a JSON format that follows the W3C Design Tokens specification. The W3C format we’ve adopted is intended to be a cross-platform / cross-tool standard, which means tokens aren’t locked to a single tool. Other popular tools have also made commitments to adopt this format. Read more about how to convert your design tokens to the W3C Design Tokens spec.

You can also import tokens directly from Figma and export tokens in several developer-friendly formats, ready to be used in code.

What different types of tokens does zeroheight support?

The zeroheight tokens manager works with design tokens that conform to the Design Token Community Group specification. For help importing your tokens to zeroheight, check out this guide on converting your design tokens to the W3C Design Tokens spec.


See also: