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Password protected pages

Password protected pages

This feature is available on all paid plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

You can password-protect specific pages like so:

Gif showing how to turn on password protection for styleguide pages

And change the password-protection password in the styleguide settings at any time.

Add a custom note

You can add a custom note that will appear on any password-protected page. This will enable you to provide more context for who to contact about page access or why a certain page is password-protected.

👉Note: If you leave the note field blank, it will show a default generic message, telling the viewer to contact an admin for access.

1) Go into Styleguide settings

2) In Security, enter your Password note

Space to add a note to password protected pages in the Security section of the Styleguide setting

Things to note about this feature

  • There is a single password for all the password-protected pages. This password is different from the password that protects the entire styleguide (if you choose to make your styleguide private)
  • You can password-protect pages in combination with having the entire styleguide private – this means you can restrict those pages to a subset of the people that have access to the overall public or private styleguide