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The reviewer role

The reviewer role

This feature is available on all Professional and Enterprise plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

The reviewer role gives comment-only access to the logged-in view of zeroheight. This includes the ability to comment on unreleased changes and hidden pages.

Gif showing how reviewers can add comments

Essentially, reviewers can see everything an editor can see — but they can’t edit pages, push releases, or change styleguide settings.

Set up a new reviewer

Invite via email section in the Your team page

Reviewers are paid-for seats available to all Enterprise and Pro customers. If you need additional seats, please reach out to your customer success manager.

1) As an Organization Admin or Manager, go to your organization page and scroll to the bottom

2) You can invite reviewers by email

Leave comments as a reviewer

Gif showing how reviewers can add comments

1) Log in to zeroheight and go to the styleguide you want to comment on

2) Hover over content until you see the comment icon to the right of the content

3) Click on the comment icon and leave your comment

You can also reply to existing comment threads — just click on the initials icon to open up the thread.


What content can reviewers comment on?

Reviewers can comment on all types of content on the main page, including the page title, description, and all block types within the page.

Reviewers cannot comment on the navigation, tab headings, outline, or page footer.

Can reviewers comment on a string of inline text?

No, right now reviewer commenting works at a block level. This means comments will attach themselves to the whole block of content. For text, each paragraph is considered a block.

Editors can still comment on strings of inline text (as well as now being able to comment at a block level).

Who can see what comments?

All editors and reviewers can see, reply and resolve existing comments in styleguides they have access to. Only the author of a comment can delete their comment.

Can a user be a reviewer in one styleguide and an editor in another?

No, currently user roles are set at a organization level and apply to all styleguides those users can access equally. You can restrict access to specific styleguides — see here for more details on sharing styleguides.

Can reviewers see a styleguide’s hidden pages?

Yes, reviewers can see all pages that editors see. Reviewers can comment on hidden pages, but not edit them.

Can reviewers see my organization’s design uploads?

No, reviewers can only see components in the styleguide. They do not have access to the Uploads tab where you upload your design file.

Can reviewers be people outside of my company?

Yes, reviewers can be people outside of your company. If you use SSO, people outside of your organization will not be able to access your styleguide. Please contact, and we can enable hybrid mode to resolve it.

Who can remove reviewers?

Organization Admins can remove reviewers.