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Status tags on pages

Status tags on pages

You can add status tags to the pages of your design system to show the status of different parts of your documentation. This could be used to display the readiness of a page or stage of the component in its lifecycle.

Gif showing how to add status tags

Add a status tag

1) Click + Status tag next to the title of your page. It will default to New in green.

2) Click the status tag again to open the dropdown menu.

3) Select the status tag

4) Change the color

👉 Note: If you change the color of one tag, the change will be applied throughout your styleguide.

Status tag options

Edit status tag text

This feature is available for all paid plans. This will not be available for legacy plans.

1) Click + Status tag next to the title of your page. It will default to New in green.

2) Click the status tag again to open the dropdown menu.

3) When you hover over the tag options, click the pencil icon to edit the tag

Hover over status tag and click the pencil icon to edit

4) Edit the tag label and/or change the color

Edit tag label and color

5) Click Save


Can you customize the colors?

Yes, status tag colors can be customized using the theme editor. Note: The extent to which you can customize your styleguide will vary depending on your plan.

When viewing a previous version, will it show the status tag that was assigned at the time of that version?

Yes, it will. However, if the status tag that was showing in the previous version had been renamed or had its color changed in the current version, that will be the tag shown in the previous version.