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Using zeroheight Analytics

Using zeroheight Analytics

Analytics is only available for Enterprise plans. It is not available for legacy Enterprise plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

Accessing zeroheight Analytics

You can access Analytics in the top-level navigation, listed between Styleguides and Uploads

zeroheight Analytic events

The zeroheight Analytics page shows data on:

You will only see analytics for the styleguides you have access to.

The zeroheight Analytics page includes 3 tabs: analytics dashboard, page insights and search feedback

The main dashboard includes:

  • total styleguide views and page helpfulness ratings; you’ll also see trends indicating how they compare to the previous selected date range
  • styleguide views over time graph with releases markers
  • pages by tag pie chart showing how many pages in which status a styleguide incudes
  • last edited pages showing 6 pages that have been last edited, incl. who and when edited them

For styleguide views and ratings you can filter to show data for either last 7 days, last 30 days (default view), last year or all time.

The page insights contains a table with all the pages in a selected styleguide, giving a summary of pages tags, views, rating and vote counts.
You can filter to select your styleguide and to show data for either last 7 days, last 30 days (default view), last year or all time.

For “missing search results” you can filter to show the terms that are yet to be addressed, or the ones that have been closed by the team.

👉 Note: If you currently don’t have a name for your styleguide, we recommend naming your styleguide and turning off Display text in the Cover style menu so that a name appears on the Analytics page.

Download as CSV

You can download the data from your Page insights as a CSV file. Click Download CSV in the top right corner.


What is counted as a view?

A view is a counted each time a user who is not logged into the zeroheight organization that the styleguide belongs to loads a page in their browser. If they load the same page multiple times, a view will be counted for each.

Who can access Analytics?

Users with either the Organization Admin or Editor role can access the Analytics page but Editors will only be able to view the analytics for styleguides that they have edit access to.